
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ok, now there are only two of us... but that means more space for all our bits and bobs and frocks and felt and scissors and scarves!
We should sign the lease this week and can then move in and paint, paint, paint the whole interior pristine white. Symbolic fresh new start.
Brain is racing with ideas for what to do and what to make and what to get the craftsmen and women in Malawi to make and what to sell - so many gorgeous things!
I wonder if anyone will buy them, though?
No, don't let that bad thought in! Happy visions instead of also selling on the web and to all sorts of passers by who will be drawn in by the multicoloured waves of creativity radiating out of our little old cottage!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A new venture?

Too excited at the thought that at last I may have a space to put my baskets and baskets of vintage clothes! A tiny old cottage on the farm is available to rent and three of us; three harassed, but hopefully still creative mothers, whose children go to school on the farm, have banded together with big plans to share the rent and the space. I am sure we can make it work! It has a garden and a big tree and 2 foot thick old walls and a slate floor. I can see it bustling with energy: sewing and felting and designing and upcycling (my newly discovered word!)old frocks - my fingers are itching!
It could be a most wonderful shop/studio.... HOPE!